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1-Hour Nutrition Talks with PowerPoint Slide Deck

With Abra Pappa, Holistic Health Practitioner & Functional Medicine Nutritionist, Abra's Kitchen


1. Go With Your Gut - Unraveling the digestion connection. 

It is well recognized by holistic practitioners that proper digestion is the key to health. No matter how pure or clean the foods and nutrients consumed are, unless they are broken down so the body can absorb and assimilate them a person will suffer from malnutrition and less than optimal health. Over 20 million Americans suffer from various digestive disorders, are you one? Let’s spend some time together truly understanding how we can optimize our digestive process and improve our health. 


2. Let’s Get Down to the Heart of the Matter - The Holistic Approach to Heart Health

Egg yolks, red meat, butter oh my! Are these foods really the bad guys that encourage high cholesterol and an increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease? There is another side to this debate. Join holistic health practitioner and functional medicine nutritionist, Abra Pappa, to learn the secrets behind creating abundant cardiovascular health, reduce your risk of developing heart disease.


3. Food and Mood

We all have good days and bad days; we all have foods we like more, or like less. But is there a connection between feeling fine and the foods we have eaten? Do some foods make us feel grumpy? Is it possible to plan a diet for a good mood? The connection between food and mood is fascinating and learning the most supportive foods for feeling jolly is fundamental! A fun and informative class breaking down the biological reasons why what we eat affects how we feel. 


4. Supplement Savvy 

Navigating the wide world of supplements can feel overwhelming and frustrating. If we were to take every supplement that is recommended as THE answer to health we would all be taking 100’s of pills a day. But do we need them? How do we know which supplements are good and which are hype? In this 1-hour talk, functional medicine nutritionist, Abra Pappa, breaks down how to choose supplements and introduces the core 4, four easy supplements to incorporate into your life for better overall health.


5. Stress, Hormones and Your Health - The true cause of fat, fatigue, and your frustrating symptoms 

Hormone health is fundamental to overall well-being, affecting our sleep cycle, cravings, energy, and ability to burn fat. In this class I will teach you how to eat to harness the power of your hormones, and what foods are keeping you trapped in hormonal prison. 


6. Healthy Express - 5 non-negotiable heart healthy habits 

Oftentimes I find one of the biggest road blocks to improved heart health is overwhelm. There is so much information available and it can be quite confusing, heart healthy approval stamps are all over foods that may actually not be supportive to cardiovascular health. The cure? Simplification and organization. I have created a “healthy express” protocol, teaching you how to implement 5 non-negotiable, simple, health habits that will put you on the express train to improved cardiovascular health. 


7. Healthy Holiday Survival Guide

(This talk is not a powerpoint presentation and does not have a slide deck, but does include hand-outs and valuable information).

Does your holiday season typically include baskets of cookies and buckets of chocolate? Do you tend to overindulge because, well heck, it’s the holidays? Did you know that it is quite typical to gain 5-7 pounds during the holiday season! Well I am here to tell you that you absolutely do not have to gain an ounce! In this class, you will learn my proven techniques to have a joyous, food-filled, family-filled holiday without adding those 5-7 pounds (which, by the way, historically take about 7-8 months to shed, or never!) We will discuss holiday party eating strategies, healthy cooking must haves, stress-reducing techniques, and my most valuable eating tip yet! This class is an absolute must if you are feeling a sense of dread with the approaching holidays (the to-do lists, the parties, the gifts, oh my!)  You will leave this class armed and ready to tackle this season head on and wake up on January 2nd thinking: "Wow, that Abra Pappa sure knows her stuff!" 

This class includes:

- Recipes for healthy holiday must-haves
- Tricks and tools to remain stress-free through the entire season
- A list of healthy gift ideas 

- A worksheet to help you stay organized and stress-free during the season 



More Nutrition Talk Topics

With Dr. Michael Magwood, BS, DC, CACCP, TRT-Adv Cert, AT-Cert, PureBalance Center


1. Joint Inflammation - Foods for Relief

This talk teaches:

- Support for those whose pain is aggravated by high levels of lifestyle stress

- Easy ways to reduce OTC medication use and its side effects with delicious, easy-to-prepare foods.

- Morning rituals for an energized start


2. Begin with a Win - Morning Rituals for a Thriving Career

This talk teaches behaviors to start the day with

- Gratitude

- Mobility and Flexibility

- Eating for Energy


3. High Fat Coffee - The Clinical Rationale for the One and Only You

This talk discusses:

- The debate around "Bulletproof" and other morning caffeine fads 

- Is caffeine right for you?

- Choosing the right fats in your diet


To book a corporate wellness nutrition talk or a healthy cooking demo, please contact Ellen at Radiant Wellness Events.

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